Tuesday, November 14, 2006

New job! YAY!

I can honestly say none of the good in my life the past few weeks would have happened if not for my hubby. He was right there when I snapped and wanted to quit. He supported me completely, and when I started to have doubts, he held firm knowing I was unhappy at that job and made sure I stuck with the decision. He worked extra shifts and gave up his fun money in case we needed it for bills. (Of course, I had a little cushion in the account already, so we didn't need it anyway, which I am glad of, because he deserves his fun money for all the hard work he does.)

When I started looking at jobs, he insisted I look at the hospital. I was skeptical, but he logged me on to the site, and found the jobs I was qualified for. I gave in and applied. When we heard nothing back, he was the one who told me to call HR, just to ask if they had my application. And when I was too lazy or too scared to do it, he did it for me. Turn out, the system had locked out my application because the exact hours of the position I applied for had been cancelled off the site. But, they were still hiring, and scheduled an interview that day. What a wonderful man. He is certainly giving dad a run for his money as husband of the year (As mom states on her blog. ;-)

And at the end of the interview, when I thought she was getting ready to say they'll call me back, bladdy blah blah, she offered me the job on the spot, and started going over what hours and schedules were available. I am now a Full-Time Registrar with full benefits as of Dec. 1st (So we don't lose the $500 a month hubby makes by waiving his benefits) and I start training the 27th. And anytime a PT position becomes available, I can ask for a transfer.

And my house is clean, and I've been cooking and everything is just so swell! ;-)


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Your dear hubby has NOT paid his full dues yet for membership into the MAN OF THE YEAR club.

AFTER he has sheld your hair back while you barf for 7 months in a row - and after he has applied creams to varies parts of your body (isn't that delicate?) so as to relieve the pain of pushing a 7.8 pound baby out of your body - and AFTER he has taken care of the kids all night and all day because you were ill - and AFTER he has lived through your pre menepausal mood swings (you think PMS IS BAD?!) -
THEN, maybe THEN he can be husband of the year. IN the meantime, it's your dad, HANDS DOWN.

How about this - we will make him NEWLYWED HUSBAND OF THE YEAR! Good compromise?!

Love you (& your dear hubby),

4:33 PM  
Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Excuse the typos (good lord) in the past post) I am hungry! :)

sheld = held
varies = various

4:34 PM  
Blogger Wishiwerebella said...

Hubby proudly accepts his new title!

4:09 PM  
Blogger Indigo Robe said...

I kinda like also calling him Mr. Sweet Pea!


4:33 PM  

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