Thursday, August 02, 2007

33 more weeks of this?! Kill me now.

Morning sickness sucks. Oh, yeah, btw I'M PREGNANT!!!!! It sounded like such good news two weeks ago when I wasn't suffering any morning sickness. I was a little tired (Ok, A LOT tired) But nothing big. Nothing I couldn't handle. Now, yesterday, I was nauseous but still managed not to throw up. This morning we officially broke the morning sickness barrier I tried so hard to avoid. I'm miserable. I'll pay any amount of money if you just make it stop. And it's only been a day. Why does pregnancy take so long?!!!!

I don't know if this is the reaction of every pregnant women, but in week 7, I already want it to be done and over with. Or at least to progress a little faster. Everyone at work last week said, "Oh, you're only 6 weeks, it's too early to feel all that." Well, I feel it now!!!!!!! While I appreciate that you expect me to fell oh so much worse later on, I fell like shit now too. (Lets see how pregnancy affects my G Rating, shall we?) Yesterday, I took an afternoon nap and woke up nausea free. Here's hoping for a repeat performance. I gotta work tonight.


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Darling Sweet Pea,

How funny cause I was just telling everyone at work how amazed I was that you are not experiencing the level of sickness that I had to endure with you. I kind of feel guilty because I was joking that it's not fair because I thought children were supposed to experience what they put their mothers through! Hehe...

I am here for you. We will get you through this. If it were not for your father, I would have most decidedly not made it through. No one else was there for me but he was. He held my hair, he rubbed my back, and he watched me throw up repeatedly for 7 months. I know that Mr. Sweet Pea will be there for you too. And so will I! WE will get you through this, I promise! And then - a sweet bundle! It WILL be worth it, I promise you.

Besides, they say that the sicker you are the healthier the baby will be. (Old wives tale probably but let's get all those old wives tales out while we can!)

I love you, Darling. Let me know if you need anything. Just sleep as MUCH as you can. (Cause when you are sleeping, you don't feel sick!)


4:48 PM  

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