Thursday, August 16, 2007

Drugs are good... disneyland rocks... and work sucks

But you already knew most of that, right? My OB gave me Zolfran (i think) for the nausea. YAY!!! The lil pill dissolves in my mouth and I am feeling slightly more normal again in about 10 minutes. Go me! This was an invaluable tool while vacationing this week in Disneyland. We planned this trip months ago and were a little worried how I would handle it in my first trimester of hell... I mean, pregnancy. But I think I did OK. It was killer hot, but we would just go back to the hotel and blast the air conditioning if we got really uncomfy or tired, and being night owls we mostly slept in and did our major park visiting at night since they were open till midnight. And we know all the good places to eat after the park closes so we would be up for hours munching and watching TV and just hanging out on vacay. So Fun! I did pop a nausea pill a few times just to keep things civil, and there was a lot of sitting and resting, but we had a blast.

Here's a hormonal emotions update... it is possible to cry over a salad while sitting in New Orleans square. I really couldn't tell you why I was crying over the salad. And it was downright tasty after the Zolfran kicked in. Hubby just hugged me tight, and then bolted for the nearest pin trading store whilst i finished my meal. Such a good guy! ;-) He really is sweet about the random crying jags. I think I just get tired and sick and fed up, and hafta release that all somehow. Then, I get hungry and eat and everything is A-okay.

We both hafta go back to work tomorrow. I think I associate work with feeling morning sickness, because pre-drugs that was where I felt the worst of it. So now I just dread work. I associate it with being tired and throwing up a lot. But everyone there is SO nice to me, and the other registrars are so sweet and so much fun, I don't know why I can't just enjoy myself and move on. Will continue to work on it.


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

I am glad you guys had fun on your pre babymoon!

It's always tough mentally and physically to return to a normal work schedule after vacay but don't worry, you will be back in the swing of things in no time!

Daddy and I (and Little L, of course!) are looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!

I love you!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i'm just trying to see if i can comment.
you all look wonderful.

aunt enda

11:19 AM  

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