Monday, August 06, 2007


No one tells you pregnancy is hard. But I think they all knew it, and were hiding it from me. Those bastards. Laundry needs done, or else hubby will be forced to endure another day of taunts and jeers at work in wrinkly (and by next week, smelly) scrubs. And Dishes. And the floor is fast accumulating a pile of dustbunnies that have taken to following me around the house ala Snow White. I figure another few weeks and they can do the dishes and the laundry themselves.

Amazing thing, though. I always left work every night with a long list of "To Do's" for the next day, all things i thought needed done around the house. Now, I realize that if the dishes are done, and we have clean, non-smelly clothes to wear, nothing else seems all that important. Besides, the kid will need a bunny-like cuddle toy, right? ;-)


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Well, if you wouldn't have run screaming from the room every time I tried to tell my baby war stories you would have KNOWN how hard it was for me to be pregnant with you! ;-)

I still think you are doing great!!! I was in the hospital at this point, not even keeping water down. I pray every day that doesn't happen to you! Sounds like you are doing just fine baby. One day at a time... one heave at a time. :-)

Love you soooo much!

6:18 PM  

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