Thursday, November 29, 2007

Go us!

So, Hubby and I have been on a roll lately. The second trimester rocks! No morning sickness (except for the very occasional bout), no being over-tired all the time, it just rocks. I feel great lately and my being better has certainly transfered to hubby. He is so much happier now that I am not complaining and sick all the time. So, I have been cleaning, and cooking and grocery shopping regularly (and even cleaning out the fridge so there is room for the new food, what a concept!) One day each week I ask hubby what one thing is driving him the most crazy about the house and I try and fix that for him, so at least one thing gets done. When I asked tonight, he said nothing!!! I was so happy!

This week, since we have been doing so well, we decided to put up our Christmas lights on the outside of our house. We spent about $100 on lights for the house because we had none, and I wanted it to look good for our first Christmas. We are so excited about our first Christmas in our own house!!!! So, we have multi-color net lights on each of the bushes flanking the garage, blue icicle lights for above the garage and entryway, two sets of garland lights for the palm trees, and two spiral trees for the side of the yard. It looks terrific!

All is good. Except that it's 1 am and I am suddenly craving a big, juicy cheeseburger. Not the kind you get an McD's. The kind you get at a real restaurant. Oy vey. I guess I'll have to find something around here to eat. ;-)


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

We can't wait to see the house!!!!

Little L, in particular, is really missing you right now. I told her to give you a call tomorrow. She really feels it during the holidays. We miss you all too!

Love you so much!

9:13 PM  

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