Friday, July 29, 2005

Well, that was easy!

So, I went to the interview at Blockbuster today. It is weird because it feels like my interviews lately have been way off- very conversational. But, she said as soon as the background check came through she wanted to bring me on, and it could take up to three days, so she should call by Wednesday. Then, about four hours later, she called to say that it went through already! And I am hired. They normally only start at $6.35, but that she would start me at $7. ;-) So, yes, it's not the best paying job in the world, but it is something to get me out of the house a few hours and a little extra spending money for Fiance's birthday. And this way, I have a job to keep me busy until "the major airline" calls and says they are finally ready to train. Plus, free rentals (and boy have we been renting lately!).

All is good. I am calmer. I feel like this is a good thing to do until everything I had already planned pans out. I felt lost for a bit because I though I had to change everythng we had planned about my job, but now it is just all delayed a bit, with a very decent filler. so, yay! It all worked out and I am once again stress-free. ;-) I can't wait to get out of the house and work for awhile!


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

It's pretty sad that I had to find out you got a job at BB by reading your blog! Congrats!

Career Advice: You are aiming TOO LOW. You have 2 freakin' degrees for gosh sakes. Have you looked at the state and city websites? Have you called that friend that works someone in Govt up there? Have you called McCain's office? What about ASU?

Finally, DON'T feel the LEAST bit guilty about quitting these jobs to get the job you want. These are just fillers for now.

BB and Target may have management postions but is retail the way you want to go?

Now stepping off the MOM SOAPBOX. I had a great birthday, by the way! Lauren even called me at work and sang happy birthday to me! I melted all over the place like icing on an Arizona cake. :) Love you!!! See you next weekend!

9:33 PM  

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