Monday, March 24, 2008

I'll get to it! I swear!

I will finish the last post, I swear to god!!!! But being a new mommy takes a lot of time, and my hubby works 12 shifts weekends so I have had the baby pretty much 23/7 since my mommy left. Hubby has given me an hours break before he heads to bed each day so I can shower and eat at least one decent meal a day.

But, before I forget... Mom, I found your pajama bottoms in one of my laundry baskets. I put them in the guest room for you to pick up next visit. ;-) I keep meaning to tell you that and forgetting, and you are at work now, so I can't call. And I will forget when we next talk anyway, I'm sure. So, now you know.

And I shall now return to eating my lunch while my precious little boy is still sleeping.



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