Thursday, August 11, 2005

It's Official!

According to my school website, I am as of yesterday an official graduate of the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Communication. How cool is that?! Oh, and mom, keep an eye out for my diploma in the mail, will you? The address on file when I applied for graduation was yours. Thanks! ;-)

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for everything they did to get me through those four years of college, among their marvelous contributions:
- my first two year's tuition and books
- copious amounts of UA paraphenalia both upon entering and leaving college
- a roof over my head, and a very pretty one at that
- food in my tummy, when mom didn't burn dinner ;-)
- clothes on my back, to prevent the embarrassment of attending class is a trash bag with tissue box slippers
- a support system unparalleled by any other in the world
- the belief that college was not only a necessity, but totally doable
- the freedom to chose my own path, by changing majors and minors and adding and deleting majors and minors without any criticism
- the opportunity to work or not work
- the chance to visit and fall in love with a land far far away
- and last, but not least, the best thing I ever got out of college... A whole-hearted encouragement in school spirit. And so, in honor of my wildcat heritage, I hereby declare that ASU SUCKS! ;-) Okay, glad I got that out of my system. ;-)

Thank you mom and dad and Lauren for being my sounding board for ideas and my strength when I doubted my decisions. Because of each of you, I am officially today a college graduate. THANK YOU!


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

AWWWWWWW! MY turn to cry! Daddy says you should write more. You are outstanding! Great word choice! (Stop grading this, teacher!!!)

Baby girl, I love you! That was THE best little surprise to read. THANK YOU!!!! (I read it to daddy too, thus the comment that you really should write more!)

And one last thing... HOW did you get the letters big and purple?! I wanna do that! :)

I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo

8:57 PM  

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