Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Why I love my son

Despite the sleepless nights full of crying for no apparent reason. Despite the smell emanating from his dirty diapers. Despite the arm cramps and leg cramps and back pain from holding him non-stop. My son is my world. Work called this week in a vain attempt to snap me back to a non-baby centric reality. Good luck! I spent the next several days scheming how to squeeze every last dime out of our budget so that I don't have to leave this precious boy at home. It's not even that he would be in daycare, cuz he wouldn't. We are blessed that Hubby has the work schedule he does, and can stay home with the baby while I work. I am still scheming, and will keep you posted. So far, the plan involves a crappy but sufficient health ins plan from Blue cross blue shield and a job with GE money answering customer service phone calls from the privacy of my own home (Poor Hubby, can't keep his office to himself to save his life, cuz I would hafta take over it to have a quiet place to do this work. Poor man.) Or, any other stupid part time job that makes up for the money we'd be spending on the insurance and takes me away from my baby boy as little as possible. I just have to crunch the numbers a little more.

But really, truly, here is the real reason I love my son...

He makes me laugh and smile every single day. ;-)


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

I sent this photo to my whole staff today and it's also my desktop photo!!! :-)

11:09 AM  

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