Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Butter... much too much butter ;-)

So, Fiance and I are making dinner- potato skins for me and a frozen pizza and perogies for him. We get the pizza and potatoes in the oven, I get out the skillet and the butter and give it to him and walk away. First mistake- We had no butter out on the counter, so I got a new stick out of the fridge. He says, "why did you give me a whole stick of butter?" and I say, "Because we don't have any out." Second mistake- walking away. At some point a few minutes later he calls to me from the kitchen saying, "I think I did something wrong here." Now, I'm thinking, how wrong could he be? It's only perogies! Well, genius boy decided that a whole stick of butter was just about right for a whole package of perogies. So, in the pan is an inch of melted butter bubbling away with whole box of perogies squezed into the pan. OY! I took a second pan out and transfered the perogies, minus the excess butter to that one and allowed him to continue cooking and now, we have 1/2 cup of melted butter with no good use, but that's okay, it was just so adorable! It was the cutest thing ever! And now I know to supervise him when he cooks. End of story. ;-)


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

I'm not buying it. I think he purposely put in too much butter thus making YOU insist on doing the cooking from now on. I should know, it's how your father got pink underwear and a promise to me that I would never have to do the laundy. :)

8:28 AM  

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