Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm sick! Pity me!

I'm sick. Sniffles and generally feeling like death on a triscuit. (And if anyone can figure out what movie or TV show I got that from, I'd appreciate it, cuz I can't remember.) My head is fuzzy and I'm sleepy, but can only sleep for about an hour at a time but every once in awhile I get an energy burst and folded the laundry or do the dishes, so at least some cleaning is getting done. Fiance bought me the jumbo sizes of day quil and nyquil, so at least I am heavily medicated ;-) hehehe...

I put in my two weeks notice at blockbuster today. I feel bad cuz I know my boss loved me, but bigger and better things await at "a major airline", who has finally called to tell me class will begin September 12th. So, assuming I don't flunk out of training, my honeymoon will officially be in London and Paris for two whole weeks!!!!! Cuz free flights rock! (Oh, and mom and I will get to travel to Scotland together finally!!!! A little bachelorette party for two of sorts, I suppose. ;-) Just as soon as "this other major airline" completes the merger with us. yay!!!!!

That's all I go right now, cuz I can only breathe through one side of my nose and I'm getting light headed. Love you all!


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

My poor little snookums! Here is a bowl of chicken soupt ----

I dunno - just remember I am not a good cook so it would look bad in real life too.

I am sorry you are sick :( It's from touching all those slot machines that other people touch!!

Hey, I can't WAIT to go to Scotland with you. I am finally going to get that tattoo finished! What a great time we will have pre wedding! Are we going at Christmas time? Lemme know so I can practice me Scotish accent. :)

Love, Mum xoxoxo

5:01 PM  
Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Oops.... I meant SOUP -- not soupt.
Can't cook it, can't spell it! :(

5:02 PM  

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