Thursday, January 26, 2006

I did what?!!

So, a few days ago at work, I was called into the supervisor's office. It seems I had been mentioned by name in someone's complaint letter. Now, I could not possibly care less. I mean, do you have any idea how many people I piss off in an average day? Tons. It's part of the job. You will inevitably miss your plane and blame me, or, as was the case here, you will have missed the last flight of the night because "MY" airline had a delay on your incoming flight and even though you have a business meeting in the morning and not being there is costing you thousands upon thousands of dollars, I am being completely unreasonable when I tell you that at 11pm there does not exist a single solitary plane that could possibly get you from here to Boston or wherever the heck you are trying to go until tomorrow, with an arrival of tomorrow afternoon. These are just the facts. So, yeah, I don't take it personally.

But this letter was great, it was a classic. I almost wanna get a photocopy to hang on my wall. Are you ready for this? Not only was I "Not listening and completely unhelpful", but apparently instead of giving this passenger the number for customer service, I gave him the number for, well, an inappropriate chat line. >:-> HAHAHAHAHAHA And my having done this, apparently, outraged the poor guy even more. Now, let me tell you, I don't even know where to look for such a number, let alone have one memorized conveniently for just such an occasion when a passenger really makes me mad. OY! Everyone got a real laugh out of this. It was hilarious!

The real kicker for me was this... the letter wasn't really a letter, it was a transcript of his complaint which was taken from... dah dah du dah... the customer service number! And although in one line he does say he wants to fax in the phone number I wrote down to prove it, he never did. Did it perhaps occur to this person that he had misdialed? I am even willing to admit that perhaps I miswrote the number. But come on! How paranoid do you hafta be to believe someone would do that to you on purpose?! My manager even cracked up as she was reading it to me. But, of course... every complaint letter must be taken seriously. This guy probably got a few hundred dollars in future travel awards and I got a hilarious letter... put in my personell file. I will admit that it kinda bugs me the sup didn't think to just throw it out as ridiculous, as some other supervisors had suggested, but, hey, what a GREAT story!


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Dear Sweet Pea,

I want this man's name, number and address. I would like to speak with him.

Oh, and I may not be around for the wedding but I hear they have podcast available in prison?

Ok, I won't kill him. But... I do have a lovely black candle sitting right here... and a book of matches. And a little spel.... never mind. You didn't read this!

Sorry baby. Your supervisor should KNOW better than to keep that in your file. Make sure they put in all the GOOD letters you have gotten as well.

It's the same with teaching. People (kids or parents) can get pissed off about something and since most people these days have no conscience whatsoever, they are hell bent on revenge and use all of their energy to hurt others. Karma, my child. Sweet Karma.... may it be his TODAY!

1:56 PM  
Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Hold on a sec. You walk into your sup's office and DEMAND that if that letter is to remain it your file, it MUST be accompanied by this supposed # you wrote down. He claimed he would fax it, then MAKE THEM MAKE HIM FAX it for proof. IF you wrote it down wrong , then they can keep the letter in the file. If not, he is OBVIOUSLY a freakin lying pig and they should explain to him that he is going to be sued for slander by your mother.

Simple as that.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Mia Turner said...

*points and laughs* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

*ahem* No seriously, that sucks. He will not be getting the Squishy Stamp of Approval ©.

Hey, next time someone yells at you and then gets ready to go off to their flight, look em real seriously in the eyes and say in your most innocent, pleading voice: "Don't get on the flight..."


7:31 PM  
Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Update one last time as a single woman!!!!

4:02 PM  

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