Thursday, April 27, 2006

Bad, sweet pea, Bad!!

Okay, so I think we have officially established that I am not good at keeping up with the whole blogging thing. I LOVE to read other people's blogs, especially my mother's, but I just can't work up the desire to sit at a keyboard and type about my life often enough to maintain this thing. People must think I'm a wildly narcoleptic girl who goes on lazy sleep binges for months at a time and reemerges to tell a single, simple story completely devoid of context within the rest of my blog or its timeline. So, let me try to fill you all in on my life.

Since I last posted:
  • I completed plans for my wedding, and boy was that stressful. I feel as though I am only now starting to fully recover.
  • I got married!! A triumph of a day in that I managed to keep it together occasionally long enough to have some pictures where I am not sniffling, tearing up, or flat out bawling. At one point during the ceremony my groom lifted his hand to my cheek to brush away a tear in an act I'm sure he thought was brilliantly kind, and which only made me bawl harder.
  • We honeymooned.... In PARIS! Yes, Paris, that beautiful, romantic, and (in March) really freakin cold city of love. We and an incredible time, all the memories of which come flooding back everytime think about it and are much too much to detail here. It will suffice to say simply that having the priveledge of saying "I honeymooned in Paris" for the rest of my life is something I shall always treasure.
  • We returned to our semi-normal routine, only now married and with new rings on our fingers. Husband (formerly known to my blog readers as Fiance. hehehe. This is cool!) always said he would hate wearing his ring. Now, if he forgets to put it on before he goes to work (neither of us wear them to bed. I think I would hurt myself or him if I kept my big rock of an engagement ring on while sleeping- i.e. tossing my arms around in bed) he has taken to actually calling me if I'm home and asking me to bring it to him. I love that he loves his ring and by extension, me. ;-)
  • I know find myself on a day to day basis deliriously happy. I mean completely deliriously happy. Like the kind of happy you only see on TV, or in the movies or your local sanitarium. I just feel like I could explode with happiness. We are so perfect together. So many people said that being married couldn't possibly be such a big deal or feel any different since we lived together pre-nuptials. But it does feel different. We call eachother husband and wife. We just enjoy the feeling of knowing we made a commitment that is sacred and beautiful. It just feels good.
  • I am starting to feel real grown up all of a sudden. I suddenly find myself married, contemplating children (A year or two more, hold your horses future- grand-mothers and fathers). I spent at least two hours on the internet the other night looking up the best way for us to stash away tons of cash for a house we want to buy, we just aren't positive where yet. And I find myself car shopping and setting up new savings accounts and planning for the future. It is at the same time scary and brilliantly exciting. And it mostly leans toward the exciting. But sometimes... You need to be a kid again.
  • And that is why we took a trip to Disneyland. More specifics about our accompaniment on this trip would be given, but her school and my mother wouldn't appreciate it, so suffice it to say we had a blast and rode rides, played games, ate their always delicious food and I people watched to my heart's content. It was fun.
  • The last major milestone I wish to share is theoretical, but a hopefully truly realistic possibility. I was working a flight the other night alone, booked to 99 and the sup came over and realized I was alone and started listing off things he could do to help. "Do you want me to go see if the crew is ready to board? " "They are, just have to finish with this passenger and I can start." "Oh, do you want me to...." and so on and so forth. I was alone, but not unprepared and everything was ready to go. He was able to help with the boarding process, but I was totally on top and he noticed.
I am also a microphone genius. I love the mic. And this flight was a 10pm departure and we have all been there for eight hours or so (Me since 8 am, but whatever) and are normally quite exhausted. But I love the mic and am so darn clever and charming. Now this particular sup has taken to making jokes about my overconsumption of Starbucks whenever he hears my announcements on late night flights. But after we working the flight and it left four minutes, count 'em, FOUR minutes early, he said to me, "why aren't you an SSR?" An SSR is our co. equivalent of a supervisor, and I had been asked this question many times before. I have always brushed it off as a genuine complement, but nothing to consider seriously. But the circumstances have changed. My schedule for the next three months is not ideal, although certainly doable. And I just feel ready for a change.

So, I have started to talk to people at work, and I think I am going to apply for an SSR position (a promotion really) this weekend. I am actually quite excited about it. Everyone has always said I would be good at it. And I love to try new things. And this development, probably more than anything else in my life, makes me feel VERY grown up. Because one does not continue to feel like a kid and be a Supervisor at the same time. This kind of experience comes with adulthood. And I love that. I feel pretty cool right now.

And that is, in a bulleted list type of nutshell, is my life since my last post. Thank you, and goodnight.


Blogger Mia Turner said...

The contrast on your layout. It burns my eyes with the intensity of 1000 suns.

Love ya!

-Chi <3

1:03 AM  
Blogger Indigo Robe said...

SO where is my Mother's Day tribute post?!



8:26 AM  

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