Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Sorry mom!

I forgot to call you last night. Sorry! Andrew did great at his two month check-up. The doctor says he is perfect. Over 10 pounds now! And 23 3/4 inches long! He was not happy about getting his shots, but I was smart and saved his 10 o'clock bottle for after the 10:15 appointment so that calmed him right down and he slept for a while afterward, partly cuz he wore himself out, partly cuz we drugged him up with children's tylenol (grape flavor, which he appears to enjoy!) So, all is well. I am going to go pour my morning tea into a to go cup and fight morning traffic to get to my very first day at work. I held Andrew for a little while this morning, and he smiled at me, damn it! I begged him not to, but he wouldn't stop. But I am being strong. ;-) Don says he might bring Andrew to visit at lunch, just to get me through the day! ;-) lol

Love you all!


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Hi Darling,

I KNEW you would leave a message here! Glad to hear Baby Roo is healthy and doing well! He has really grown!!!!! YEAH!

As for work - oh how I remember that day! I cried the whole time and had your little picture on my desk.

However, you are working 2 days a week, I was working 5. I miss you terribly. Also, your sweet hubby is watching over your precious one, I had a complete stranger. THANK GOD it was a different day and age.

Honey, I am so proud of you! You take care of your family so well! You are a wonderful mother! ENjoy those two days of letting Mr. Sweet Pea bond with his son and you go enjoy a Starbucks and some adult conversation. Then rush back home and be renewed in wonder at that beautiful baby face of your gorgeous son!

Love you!


2:47 PM  

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