Saturday, May 03, 2008

That's my boy!

Andrew grabbed a toy today all by himself for the first time!! This is a milestone I have been looking forward to! I had him laying on his gymini mat while I got dressed this morning and I heard this strange crinkling sound. Every time I lay him down, I put several toys and plastic rings in reach, so as he flails his arms about, he hits them around a bit and can feel them. So, I pop my head in the room to check on him and he is tossing this toy around, gripped firmly in his left hand. His hefalump toy. It is a little flat plastic elephant head and in the elephant's trunk are a bunch of plastic rings of different colors and textures. He had his left hand gripped right around the pink ring and was moving the whole toy back and forth as he flailed his arm. I'm so proud! ;-) After I finished dressing I came back in and the ring had slipped down around his arm and he was kinda stuck. So, I unstuck him and gave him a big hug and lots of kisses and he just smiled up at me, all happy with himself. Ahhh, what a good start to the day! ;-)

Oh! And I keep forgetting to mention that we have a very definite word-like sound now! Ah-Goo! I swear sometimes it sounds like "Al Gore" and we have a nice chat about the environment. ;-) But he repeats this sound throughout the day in conversation with his daddy and me. I was first to notice it and his daddy said I was crazy, but then he heard it too! I know real speech is a ways off, but to hear a sound come from your child, and identify it over and over is really cool. So, Ah-Goo to all of you! ;-)


Blogger Indigo Robe said...

Way to go, Baby Roo! You get all those Hefalumps!!!!

Love you!!!!!!!

Oh yeah and HI SWEET PEA!!! :-)

9:19 AM  

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